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बीए सेमेस्टर-4 इतिहास - सरल प्रश्नोत्तर
बी.ए. (IV सेमेस्टर)
आधुनिक भारत का इतिहास (1857 ई.-1950 ई.)
B.A. (IV Semester)
History of Modern India (1857 A.D-1950 A.D)
Unit I
Lord Lytton and Lord Ripon.
Unit II
Lord Curzon and Partition of Bengal.
Unit III
Commercialization of Agriculture and its Impact on India.
Unit IV
Development of Railway and its Impact.
Unit V
Development of Education in Colonial India.
Unit VI
Morley-Minto reforms, Govt. of India Act 1919 and 1935.
Unit VII
Rise and Development of Communalism in India.
Mergers of Princely states affer Independence and Role of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel.